The configuration and the main content of the FEA-VEE e-learning modules were presented in Romania during the conference hosted by the international event TRANSILVANIA FASHION FESTIVAL, which took place on 7th of September 2024 in Cluj Napoca.
It was the perfect moment to promote the web platform of the FEA-VEE project to the Universities of Arts of Bucharest, Oradea, Cluj, Arad, and Chișinău (Republic of Moldova) who were present at this event. The project was also presented to an international group of specialists in fashion design, representing Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Moldova, Netherland, Serbia, and Slovakia. All of these countries were present with young or established designers on the catwalk of the Fashion Festival.

During the presentation of the FEA VEE e-learning modules, the participants in the Conference affirmed their decision to the revitalization of the national and international textile industry by adding value through education, interculturality, innovation in quality clothing design and production.

The conference and the fashion festival were a great opportunity to share FEA-VEE’s efforts and the project goal to connect the artistic education with the entrepreneurial and technological sectors of the textile Industry from the FEA-VEE partner countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Spain and Sweden) with the rest of Europe and Asia.