FEA-VEE combines a mixture of partners that allow for interactions and exchanges between VET providers of different levels and industry representatives.
Our partnership consists of 12 partners from 6 European countries (Greece, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, Sweden)

The Technical Institute of Heraklion Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an experienced provider of both training on professional development and on vocational training. It is one of the biggest chambers of commerce in Greece. It accounts more than 20.000 members. It works in close cooperation with the Hellenic Mediterranean University of Crete, the University of Crete, The Science and Technology Park of Crete.It brings an extensive experience and deeper knowledge of the target groups reality and needs, while supporting the access to an enlarged target group, either through the access to companies at regional level, or through the opportunity to disseminate project solutions at European level, through its network of contacts and stakeholders. TIHC has extensive experience through EU-funded projects related to education and vocational training and offers courses on entrepreneurship, soft skills, funding opportunities, agriculture, circular economy, etc.Funding tools in the last 3 years have been MED, Erasmus+, ERDF, National Funding, European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund etc.
The Fthiotida Chamber has been operating as a Legal Entity of Public Law since 1948 and is an obligatory association of traders, industrialists, craftsmen and professionals of the respective Prefecture. It is located in Lamia and is a member of EuroChambers. Members of the Fthiotida Chamber are all the businesses engaged in trade, processing, services and tourism, which currently amount to approximately 9.500. The main and sustained objective of the Chamber is to contribute to the development of appropriate conditions which ensures the growth of businesses at a regional level. The role of the Chamber is primarily interventionist, argumentative and advisory.
Fthiotida Chamber is constantly developing a wide range of strategic partnerships at local, regional, national and international level, taking into consideration the development interests of SMEs. It strives to be a flexible mechanism by providing essential services and support to its members.
Guided by the collective interest of its members, the Chamber invests in the continuous improvement and enrichment of services which include:
- Statistical reports concerning businesses types and activities located in the prefecture of Fthiotida
- Reports on Greek products demands by foreign firms
- Organizes lectures, conferences and training seminars for business executives in the region
- Offers expertise advices
- Maintains database of exporters
- Provides information on import and export procedures
- Provides information on international exhibitions both domestically and abroad
- Collects and provides information on the economies of foreign states and ways of penetrating their markets
- Ensures that its members are informed of proclamations - declarations - financial issues - market issues - tax issues
- Promotes its member companies through its internet portal
Investing in human capital through lifelong learning and specialization actions contributes to the added value of its business members and helps them become competitive in today's economic environment. Its goal is to provide theoretical and practical training on issues related to healthy business engagement and the development of new personal and professional skills.
It has plenty of experience in organizing European Mobility Programs, as it has implemented a number of programs under the European Program for Lifelong Learning and the People in Labor Market (PLM) of the Leonardo da Vinci sectoral program and later ERASMUS +.

The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI is the largest VET provider in Greece and one of the 7 largest in Europe. It was founded back in 1989 and today is active in 7 cities across Greece (Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Crete, Larissa, Rhodes, Chalkida) representing almost 60% of the total VET sector in the country and providing post-secondary education, of EQF levels 3-5. Every year, approximately 14.600 active students are enrolled with the aim of studying one of the 107 specialties, in more than 340 laboratories in 14 different sectors.
In the field of fashion studies, AKMI S.A. has established the first Beauty and Fashion School in Greece, in collaboration with the most famous and experienced Beauty Experts (exclusive collaboration with the internationally-recognized fashion designer Vrettos Vrettakos). Every year, its students participate in major fashion shows and events, gaining practical experience and a realistic glimpse into the fashion industry. AKMI S.A. is one of the 10 Fashion Institutes worldwide, selected to send their learners for study visits to Swarovski Manufaktur.
Among its major accomplishments, AKMI is a partner of the European Network for Excellence, developed by the European Training Foundation. Since 2020, it has held the position of National Contact Point of European Vocational Skills Week in Greece. Last, it has been awarded as “The most Innovative VET Provider in Europe” by the EVSW 2022.
The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation (BCC), as cross-sectoral representational institution, groups together economic operators from all sectors of activity. The institution represents approximately 420.000 companies including self-employed, entrepreneurs, SMEs and corporations from the city of Barcelona and the outlying areas.
Among its business services and corporate activity, the BCC offers internationalisation services, trade missions, trainings and capacity building, ICT and innovation support, marketing solutions, and support with administrative procedures (permits, registry, (digital) certificates, etc.). As a Chamber of Commerce and Business Support Organization, BCC strongly supports SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs from the fashion, retail and textile sector with the objective to reinforce the competitiveness of its companies and attract new business. It furthermore has a long-standing expertise in delivering business support services ranging from innovation, ICT, internationalization, marketing, entrepreneurship etc.

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution of research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology, and one of the leading technical universities in Europe. Every year, more than 6,000 bachelor’s and master’s students, more than 500 doctoral students graduate and 3,067 graduates in lifelong learning. The UPC has a high graduate employment rate: 93% of its graduates are in work and 76% find a job in under three months. It is ranked in the main international rankings.
Bulgarian Fashion Association is a cluster organization founded in 2019. BFA aims to support the fashion industry in Bulgaria and to integrate it in the European value chain through partnerships with other European organizations in the field of fashion and sustainability, innovations, R&D. Members of BFA are fashion designers and brands, clothing, accessories and shoes manufacturers, fashion universities, business support organizations and research centers. The organization provides services in the field of internationalization, marketing, support for sales, knowledge transfer, networking, information dissemination and collaboration.

Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) has been (re)established in 1990 as a private non-profit legal entity. It is a leading business support organization in the South-Central Region of Bulgaria. It delivers various business services and consultations related to import/export procedures, customs legislation, consultations regarding administrative procedures and legal environment for business, markets’ and partners’ searches, innovations.
The Chamber is a recognizable partner in a number of international cooperation projects and in different local initiatives in favour of the business and society. It’s a founder and a member of various non-profit organizations for support of tourism, local foods, wine and culture, regional development.
The Chamber actively organizes business cooperation events and business missions abroad, it hosts foreign business delegations, organizes seminars and trainings in the domains of financing, innovations, sustainable economy, digitalization, health and safety working conditions.
ROMANIAN FASHION COUNCIL -NGO, founded in 2015 in Bucharest- Romania, involved in the production of national and international fashion events, makes complex connections with well-known and young designers, with clothing manufacturers, with suppliers of raw materials and accessories, with Research Institutes, with Universities of Arts.
All our efforts are focused on the entire process of education in the fashion design, production and promotion of fashion collections, to be made to the highest standards, with a high level of innovation and authenticity, with international visibility.

The University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca (UAD) is a public institution of higher education in the arts. UAD is a legal person of public utility, having a non-profit character. Subordinated to the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, UAD operates according to the national legal framework specific to the field of education and the public institutions sector and according to the provisions of the University Charter. Following the classification exercise in 2011, UAD was classified as a university of teaching and artistic creation.
The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM), established in 1911 under German law as a non-profit association of entrepreneurs and professionals, is recognized by the Italian government under the law of 1.7.1970, n. 518.
ITKAM is a bilateral association that operates on the Italian and German markets to foster and increase economic relations and cooperation between companies in both countries.
ITKAM is present in Germany with three operational offices (Frankfurt, Berlin, Leipzig), several representative offices in Italy, and a desk in Vienna (ITKAM Austrian Desk).

Which SPIRIT drives us:
We are partners, visualizers, consultants
for our members . schools . students . designers . industry . trade . associations . agencies . media . politics
We analyze, present, interview
current and future trends with the TrendResearchTeam, seasonal Future.Concepts, Color.Cards and Trend.Pulse weekly podcasts and zoom meetings Members and partners at trade fairs
We train
via mentoring.lab with workshops, lectures, seminars, modules, webinars, tutorials, Knowledge.Transfer.Days
We are connected
in the German Design Day (DT) - in the speaker council and the specialist committees of the German Cultural Council (DKR), on the advisory board of the KünstlerSoziaKasse (KSK) and on the KSK appeals committee, in the Council for Art and Design (CKD), in the Alliance for Sustainable Textiles of the Federal Government and in relevant design award juries
We distinguish
Designer of the Year. Designers for sustainable collections. Fashion.Courage.Man . European design ambassadors
Sensus studieförbund: Sensus is a study association that supports groups and associations all over the country through pedagogical methods. The purpose is to contribute to the group's learning and development. Sensus supports the group based on their needs but also contributes to networking both locally and nationally.